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Code style

Each application and package within the O2S relies on popular linting and formatting tools to ensure high code quality. You can run those tools manually (or integrate them with your IDE), but they are also run automatically in some cases.

Each tool relies on shared configurations, that are stored as internal packages under ./packages/configs folder, which helps to ensure consistency across the whole project.


The base config for TypeScript is defined by packages/configs/typescript-config/base.json file, which is then extended by specific configs for each application.


For linting, eslint is used. Unlike TypeScript, it does not have a base config file, as applications or packages can rely on different rules (e.g. the Frontend app uses the official Next.js config):

module.exports = {
extends: ['next/core-web-vitals', 'next/typescript'],
ignorePatterns: ['dist/', '.next/', '.eslintrc.js', 'lint-staged.config.js'],


For formatting, prettier is used to ensure code consistency. It uses a base config defined in packages/configs/prettier-config/base.mjs which is then extended by configs for each application or package.

It's worth to mention that Prettier plugin sort imports is used to make the order of imports both more consistent, and also more readable by sorting and grouping them together. For example, for the ui package the imports are sorted using the following rules:

importOrder: [

Git commit rules

To minimize the risk of pushing any code with errors, O2S introduces husky together with (lint-staged)[].

Through husky, a git pre-commit hook is configured to run the following script before you commit anything:

npx lint-staged

This causes lint-staged to be run inside every app and package, as long as the lint-staged.config.mjs is placed there. For example, for the Frontend app it runs prettier and Next.js lint commands:

const buildEslintCommand = (filenames) => `next lint --fix --file ${filenames.join(' --file ')}`;

export default {
'*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,css,scss}': ['prettier --write'],
'*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}': [buildEslintCommand],