This integration provides a full integration with Redis.
To use it, you must install it into the API Harmonization server by running:
npm install @o2s/integrations.redis --workspace=@o2s/api
This integration relies upon the following environmental variables:
name | type | description |
CACHE_ENABLED | boolean | determines whether cache should be enabled or not |
CACHE_TTL | number | time (in seconds) until cached key expires |
CACHE_REDIS_HOST | string | domain under which Redis instance is available |
CACHE_REDIS_PORT | number | port of the Redis instance |
CACHE_REDIS_PASS | string | Redis password |
Supported modules
This integration handles following base module from the framework:
- cache
Redis client
This integration relies on the official Redis client for:
- creating a client, where it is initialized using the env variables:
url: `redis://${configService.get('CACHE_REDIS_HOST')}:${configService.get('CACHE_REDIS_PORT')}`,
password: configService.get('CACHE_REDIS_PASS'),
}); - error handling and connection retries,
- getting/setting/deleting keys.