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Strapi CMS

This integration provides a full integration with Strapi CMS.


To use it, you must install it into the API Harmonization server by running:

npm install @o2s/integrations.strapi-cms --workspace=@o2s/api

This integration relies upon the following environmental variables:

CMS_STRAPI_BASE_URLstringthe base URL pointing to the domain hosting Strapi CMS

Supported modules

This integration handles following base modules from the framework:

  • cms


This integration relies on the following base modules from the framework:

  • cache

GraphQL integration

To connect with Strapi, the GraphQL API is used. For this purpose, a dedicated GraphqlService is used that relies on:

GraphQL operations

The GraphqlService offers a few methods that can be used to retrieve data from the CMS:

  • getPage that retrieves the full definition of a single page (with SEO metadata, used layouts, and shared elements like header and footer) based on a given slug and locale,
  • getPages that retrieves all pages for a given locale,
  • getLoginPage to fetch the content for the login page,
  • getComponent that retrieves a single component with a given ID and locale.

Code generation

You can generate code from GraphQL queries by running:

npm run generate

This command also requires that the CMS_STRAPI_BASE_URL environment variable to be set in order to retrieve the GraphQL schema from Strapi.

This will generate the ./generated/strapi.ts file, that is then used within the GraphqlService:

import { Sdk, getSdk } from '@/generated/strapi';
this.sdk = getSdk(this._client);

which then allows to call the methods generated from GrapQL queries using the sdk property:

public getComponent(params: GetComponentQueryVariables) {
return this.sdk.getComponent(params);

Check the ./codegen.ts file for more details about used codegen config, including used TypeScript plugins.

Writing queries

GraphQL queries should be placed in the ./src/cms/graphql folder, with additional divisions for:

  • ./queries for final queries that will be translated to TypeScript methods:

    query getComponent($id: ID!, $locale: I18NLocaleCode!) {
    component(documentId: $id, locale: $locale) {
    content {
    ... on ComponentComponentsFaq {
  • ./fragments for reusable fragments, divided further into:

    • ./fragments/components that map to components within the frontend app:

      fragment FaqComponent on ComponentComponentsFaq {
      items {
    • ./fragments/templates that map to templates within the frontend app:

      fragment TwoColumnTemplate on ComponentTemplatesTwoColumn {
      topSlot {
      leftSlot {
      rightSlot {
      bottomSlot {

Strapi integration

Resolving pages

To resolve a single page to an entry within the CMS, the following process happens:

  1. All pages are fetched for a given locale
  2. From those pages, a single one is found with a slug that matches the requested slug; this match is found using Regex to allow pages with a slug like /tickets/{.+} to be defined in Strapi for dynamic pages with some dynamic IDs.

Content model

Coming soon!

Importing sample content

Coming soon!

Cache integration

In order to allow further optimizations, the cache module is used for caching retrieved CMS entries (as long as caching is enabled globally).

Cached entries are stringified and saved using the {id}-{locale} key to make them fully unique within the caching service.