Module structure
The API Harmonization server is using three main components:
│ │
│ └───component
│ ├───component.controller.ts
│ ├───component.mapper.ts
│ ├───component.model.ts
│ ├───component.module.ts
│ ├───component.request.ts
│ └───component.service.ts
Components are designed to be a kind of bridge between the frontend app and the integrations.
While you could technically use integrations' endpoints directly on the frontend, it is usually not the best way, as it most often also requires some kind of data aggregation (e.g. data from a CMS with data from a backend service) or orchestration. Doing that on the frontend is possible, but it also makes it more complex and may decrease the overall performance and/or the user experience.
Instead, the O2S offers a set of components on the side of the API Harmonization server. They are responsible for:
- fetching all the necessary data from different integrations,
- combining that data together, transforming it into one response for the frontend.
Each component should have its own container within the frontend app.
Each component consists of a few files:
A module is used to configure the dependencies of that component, including the framework modules that provide the data:
export class TicketListComponentModule {
static register(_config: ApiConfig): DynamicModule {
return {
module: TicketListComponentModule,
providers: [TicketListService, CMS.Service, Tickets.Service],
controllers: [TicketListController],
exports: [TicketListService],
A controller is responsible for defining the endpoints, and passing the necessary incoming data (like query params or headers) further to the service:
export class TicketListController {
constructor(protected readonly service: TicketListService) {}
@Headers() headers: AppHeaders,
@Query() query: GetTicketListComponentQuery
) {
return this.service.getTicketListComponent(query, headers);
A service handles all the necessary logic concerning data fetching and orchestration (like fetching data based on previous response):
export class TicketListService {
private readonly cmsService: CMS.Service,
private readonly ticketService: Tickets.Service,
) {}
getTicketListComponent(query: GetTicketListComponentQuery, headers: AppHeaders): Observable<TicketListComponent> {
const cms = this.cmsService.getTicketListComponent({ ...query, locale: headers['x-locale'] });
return forkJoin([cms]).pipe(
concatMap(([cms]) => {
return this.ticketService
.getTicketList({ ...query })
.pipe(map((tickets) => mapTicketList(tickets, cms, headers['x-locale'])));
A mapper is responsible for data aggregation, after it is fetched from APIs:
export const mapTicket = (
ticket: Tickets.Model.Ticket,
cms: CMS.Model.TicketDetailsComponent.TicketDetailsComponent,
locale: string,
): Ticket => {
return {
id: {
label:[] ||,
title: as string,
topic: {
label: cms.fieldMapping.topic?.[ticket.topic] || ticket.topic,
title: as string,
value: ticket.topic,
status: {
label: cms.fieldMapping.status?.[ticket.status] || ticket.status,
title: as string,
value: ticket.status,
createdAt: formatDateRelative(ticket.createdAt, locale,, cms.labels.yesterday),
A model contains all data models that this component uses in its responses:
export class Ticket {
id!: {
value: Tickets.Model.Ticket['id'];
title: string;
label: string;
topic!: {
value: Tickets.Model.Ticket['topic'];
title: string;
label: string;
status!: {
value: Tickets.Model.Ticket['status'];
title: string;
label: string;
createdAt!: Tickets.Model.Ticket['createdAt'];
Request defines data models that this component uses in its requests (like query params or request bodies):
export class GetTicketListComponentQuery
implements Omit<CMS.Request.GetCmsEntryParams, 'locale'>, Tickets.Request.GetTicketListQuery
id!: string;
offset?: number;
limit?: number;
Modules are technically the same entities as components - each module consists of the same set of files as a component described earlier - but their purpose is a bit different.
They usually represent either:
- larger pieces of the frontend app, like whole pages (with titles, SEO metadata and used template),
- more utility-like entities that do not have to be rendered on the frontend at all, like routing information (e.g. for sitemaps) or some general configuration data (e.g. available locales).
On the code level, they are treated exactly the same as components, and are separated mostly for more clarity of purpose.
An integration is a package that is responsible for:
- communication with external APIs,
- normalizing data
While often integrations will not be a part of the main project, they are still an integral part of the API Harmonization server - without at least one integration configured, there is no data source available for any component or module.
Integrations can be taken from one of two places:
when they are installed as an external dependency, installed vianpm
,- from
(either internal or publishable) if you decide to create a new integration on your own.
To learn more about integrations, check their dedicated chapter.
Whatever the source of integration is, they are still used exactly the same in the API Harmonization server - they need to be:
- Added as a dependency in the
. - Plugged into the configuration file.
To learn exactly what needs to be done to replace an integration and it's consequences, check the Switching integrations chapter.