Creating the frontend component
Once the harmonizing component is ready, the next step is to use a generator to create a scaffolded frontend container, with a consistend name (TicketsSummary
). It will generate a new folder: ./apps/frontend/src/containers/TicketsSummary/
Updating the component resolver
The first thing we need to do is to update the renderComponents
function inside apps/frontend/src/utils/renderComponents.tsx
file so that it includes the newly added renderer:
import { TicketsSummaryRenderer } from '@/containers/TicketsSummary/TicketsSummary.renderer';
export const renderComponents = (components, slug, accessToken) => {
return => {
switch (component.__typename as Modules.Page.Model.Components) {
case 'TicketsSummaryComponent':
return (
Fetch component data
Next, we need to fetch the initial data required to actually render the component.
Let's start with extending the SDK with a new method that will fetch the harmonizing component. We need to create a new file in the ./src/api/components
folder, called tickets-summary.ts
import { Components, Headers } from '@o2s/framework';
import { Sdk } from '@o2s/framework/sdk';
// the URL should be taken from the component, and not be hardcoded
const API_URL = Components.TicketsSummary.URL;
export const ticketsSummary = (sdk: Sdk) => ({
components: {
// the name of the method should be consistend with the name of the component
getTicketsSummary: (
// every argument should be strongly typed and use the types
// exported from the API Harmonization server
query: Components.TicketsSummary.Request.GetTicketsSummaryComponentQuery,
headers: Headers.AppHeaders,
authorization: string,
): Promise<Components.TicketsSummary.Model.TicketsSummaryComponent> =>
method: 'get',
url: `${API_URL}`,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${authorization}`,
params: query,
which we can then use in the ./src/api/sdk.ts
file where the SDK is initialized:
import { extendSdk, getSdk } from '@o2s/framework/sdk';
import { ticketsSummary } from '@/api/components/tickets-summmary';
export const sdk = extendSdk(internalSdk, {
components: {
getTicketsSummary: ticketsSummary(internalSdk).components.getTicketsSummary,
This allows us to use this method anywhere in the frontend app, but at the moment we only need it in the server component located at ./src/containers/TicketSummary/ticketsSummary.server.tsx
. It should already be prepared correctly after that file was generated:
const data = await sdk.components.getTicketsSummary(
{ 'x-locale': locale },
Render the content
In the last step we need to display the component. Let's edit the ./ticketsSummary.client.tsx
file and render the content in a simple layout:
export const TicketsSummaryPure: React.FC<TicketsSummaryPureProps> = ({ ...component }) => {
const {
tickets: { closed, open, latest },
} = component;
return (
<Typography variant="h2" asChild>
<TextItem title={open.label}>{open.value}</TextItem>
<TextItem title={closed.label}>{closed.value}</TextItem>
<Typography variant="h4" asChild>
<TextItem title={latest.topic.label}>{latest.topic.value}</TextItem>
<TextItem title={latest.type.label}>{latest.type.value}</TextItem>
<TextItem title={'latest.editDate.label'}>{latest.editDate.value}</TextItem>